How To Ride A Motorcycle In The Rain? [A Detailed Guidance]

How To Ride A Motorcycle In The Rain

If you live in an area where it often rains, you must know the difficulties of riding a motorcycle in the rain. Some people face difficulty riding a motorcycle while it is raining. Other people don’t even step out on rainy days. These difficulties and dilemmas create a fuss hampering your motorcycle ride. 

While we know that it is challenging to enjoy a ride on a rainy day, it is not impossible. The problem is that you don’t have enough knowledge about it. You are not aware of how to tackle the situation and have a comfortable ride because there is inadequate information that doesn’t help you to go through this. 

Only if you know some tips and implement some simple tactics, you can effortlessly go for a ride on a rainy day. Nothing to worry about as I have come up with the tips and tactics that you need to follow to ride a motorcycle on a rainy day. 

Stay with me till the end if you want a detailed guidance on how to ride a motorcycle in the rain:

5 Essential Tips For Riding A Motorcycle In The Rain:

I would start by mentioning the basic tactics and tips that you need to follow while riding a motorcycle in the rain. These tips would help you from getting involved in accidents, and keep you safe on the road on a rainy day. 

Let’s look into the 5 essential tips for riding a motorcycle in the rain:

Tips 1: Slow Down The Speed:

You have to be cautious with your motorcycle when you are riding in the rain. If you ride the motorcycle at a high speed, your vehicle may slip, you may bump due to blurry vision, or you may wiggle into the puddles. These accidents can occur if you ride at a high speed. 

Therefore, the first tip for you to have a safe and sound ride on a rainy day is to control the speed and go slow to avoid any accidents and enjoy a safe ride.

Tips 2: Avoid Puddles:

Puddles can have deep holes hidden below the small pool of water. Puddles should be avoided strictly to avoid any accidents. More dangerous are those puddles where the water shines in rainbow color. The water in those pools is polluted with oil. If your motorcycle leaps in a rainbow puddle, the tires would be oily and riskier. 

Therefore, try avoiding any puddles, especially the rainbow puddles, while riding on a rainy day.

Tips 3: Have A Waterproof And Highlighted Gear:

Waterproof gear is mandatory when you are riding on rainy days. If your gear isn’t waterproof, your motorcycle performance would degrade in contact with water. However, highlighting your gear is another crucial point that most people miss out on. 

Visible gears are the best on rainy days for better visibility. You can add reflective elements or a hi-vis vest for your gear so that other vehicles on the road can see your motorcycle clearly. It would reduce the chance of accidents and giving side on the road would be easier.

Tips 4: Wear Goggles Or Safety Glasses:

Blur vision becomes a huge problem during a motorcycle ride on a rainy day. Fogging the helmet face shield causes you to get unclear vision. The solution to this is to wear google or clear safety glasses. These glasses or goggles would be fogless and as a result, the face shield won’t fog too. 

Therefore, for clearer vision and effortless riding, wear goggles or safety glasses on a rainy ride.

Tips 5: Ride In A Relax Mood:

This may sound like a simple one but many riders get overexcited while riding in the rain whereas some become over-conscious on a rainy ride. Both are equally harmful. 

Remember that you have to be careful on a ride and do as much as you can. But if you fail to avoid little bumps, don’t panic. Your motorcycle’s shock absorber has the capacity to handle little jerks. If you become over-conscious, keep pressing the brake unnecessarily, ultimately harming the motorcycle. 

Therefore, relax before you go on a ride. Stay alert. But don’t panic about the little puddles and bumps. Loosen up yourself and enjoy the ride.

Is It Okay To Ride A Motorcycle In The Rain?

As long as you have taken all the precautions, you can go for a ride in the rain. Rainy motorcycle rides can be blissful and enjoyable if you stay warm and protected during the ride. You must put on the riding gear and make sure that you don’t get drenched. Only then can you have a comfortable ride in the rain.

Besides, you need to be cautious while riding a motorcycle in the rain. If you are an expert rider, you can easily tackle the little bumps and pass the risk zones like slippery surfaces, rainbow puddles, etc. 

It might be tough for beginners to ride a motorcycle on a rainy day. But they can rock on if they initially keep the speed minimal and learn how to cross the risk zones and safeguard themselves. Once you get an idea, you can confidently ride your motorcycle. 

Therefore, it is alright, and even more alluring, to ride a motorcycle in the rain if you know the tactics, keep the speed minimal, cross the risk areas, and stay protected by the riding gear. 

How Hard Is It To Ride A Motorcycle In The Rain?

Initially, it would be difficult for an inexperienced rider to ride a motorcycle confidently on a rainy day. Blurry vision, slippery roads, bumps, and puddles, etc. may puzzle you at first. But the solution is to take proper precautions to make the task easier.

If you put on your riding gear and go out in the rain, the task would be easier. You would feel confident as you are protected and safe from severe injuries. Also, you would stay warm and comfortable with the gear. Besides, your hand and feet grip would be firm with the gloves and boots on. Thus you won’t feel anything different on a rainy day and can confidently ride just like any sunny day.

On the road, you need to be careful and cautious while riding on a rainy day. The difficult part is to look for the bumps and slippery areas and cross them safely. If you stay alert and watchful, it is easy and simple to ride a motorcycle in the rain. 

Control the speed, put on glasses for clear vision, put on the indicator every time you take a turn and stop the motorcycle, cross the bumps and puddles, and you can easily have a safe and enjoyable rainy motorcycle ride. Yes, it is that simple!

What Should You Wear On A Motorcycle In The Rain?

Riding gear should be your priority when you are going out on a ride in the rain. That’s why I am making this section to emphasize the necessity of riding gears on a rainy ride. Many people completely ignore wearing riding gear, resulting in massive disasters on their rides. 

Riding gear not only saves you from freezing and getting cold on a rainy day but also keeps you protected from injuries. As accidents may occur anytime on rainy days, riding gear would protect you from any physical harm.

Let me briefly tell you what you must wear to stay protected on a rainy day and enjoy a blissful motorcycle ride:

  • Helmet: 

A full-face helmet would be the best for riding in the rain. It would keep your face and head away from water and you can comfortably ride the motorcycle. As a result, you don’t get cold as your head stays protected. Also, your vision would be clear due to the face shield.

  • Riding Jackets:

You must have a waterproof riding jacket to put on in the rain. Riding jackets have armors that would protect you from injuries if an accident occurs. It prevents you from getting cold as the inner linings would keep you warm and away from the rainwater. 

  • Riding Gloves:

If you are not wearing gloves, you can’t ride a motorcycle in the rain. Your hands would freeze without the gloves and you won’t be able to operate the motorcycle properly. To keep your hands protected and prevent drenching, you should wear waterproof riding gloves.

  • Riding Pants:

Find waterproof riding pants that would keep you protected from water and give you warmth on a rainy day. Armored riding pants are the best for reinforced protection in sensitive areas and staying warm and protected all through the motorcycle ride.

  • Riding Boots:

Your feet are important for operating the gear. If your feet get drenched and freeze, you would fail to operate the motorcycle properly. Riding boots would keep your feet protected from water. The chance of slipping also reduces with the riding boots on. However, for warmth and comfort, wear Gore-Tex socks or woolen socks. The riding boots and warm socks would give you ultimate comfort and protection.

All these gears are necessary for a comfortable ride on a rainy day. While it is important to stay safe and protected from any injuries and damages, it is important to stay warm and comfortable to ride the motorcycle. 

How Long After Rain Can You Ride A Motorcycle?

If you are not in the middle of the road and can wait to set off, you can wait until it stops raining. Needless to say, it is always safe and preferable to let the rain stop and then go out. If you have adequate time, wait for 15 minutes after the rain stops and then go out for a ride.

It is better to wait after the rain stops as the oil and liquids mix with the water and creates slippery roads and surfaces. These would wash away in around 15 minutes and if you ride after that, the chances of slipping or bumping would be less. The roads would be clear and you can have a safer ride.

Therefore, if you have enough time to wait, wait for 15 minutes after the rain stops to have a safer ride.

How Do You Stay Dry While Riding A Motorcycle In The Rain?

The best way to stay dry while riding a motorcycle in the rain is to put on the complete riding gear. The waterproof riding gear would help you to stay warm and comfortable. You have to wear a helmet, jacket, gloves, pants, socks, and boots to stay dry and comfortable on a rainy day. Therefore, choose your riding gear carefully.

Besides wearing the riding gear, you must be careful on the road. Try to avoid the puddle and waterlogged areas so that you can stay away from the sudden splash of water that can drench your clothes. Drive smoothly, control the speed, and be watchful while crossing the intersections, taking a turn, or passing the puddles. 

Be alert while you are speeding up or braking. These are the times when water can splash over you. You have to be gentle and slow while riding a motorcycle in the rain. Be alert of the areas where there is waterlogging, and slow down to avoid getting wet or drenched. 

Nevertheless, the best solution is to put on the riding gear so that if you get in contact with water, you would still stay dry. 

How Do You Clean Your Motorcycle After Riding In The Rain?

Though motorcycles are capable of handling rides in the rain, you should take extra care after you come back from a rainy ride. The drenched motorcycle needs to be cleaned and warmed up again to bring back life to the vehicle. 

Once you come back from a rainy ride, you must clean the motorcycle chain and tires. These are the two parts that get affected the most due to the mud and dirt. The chain may stop working if excessive mud and dirt settle on it. Similarly, a muddy tire can be slippery and risky. Therefore, the first task is to thoroughly clean out the tires and chains to make the motorcycle ready for the next ride.

Check out the air filter and seals. Make sure that they are intact. Otherwise, water would sweep in into the engine. Clean the headlights too as they are crucial for motorcycle rides for better visibility. 

The next time you go out for a ride, make sure to warm up the engine. Start the engine and leave it for a couple of minutes. As rain can cool down the engine, you must warm it up before you set off for the next ride so that the engine doesn’t stop in the middle of the road. 

These are the simple steps that you should follow to take good care of your motorcycle after a ride in the rain.


You have now all the answers to your questions regarding riding a motorcycle in the rain. You simply need to follow the precautions above to have a safe ride in the rain.

So what are you waiting for? Set off for a new journey and have a blissful rainy ride!

Mahbobur Rahman

Mahbobur Rahman is a motorcycle enthusiast who loves to ride and share his experience with others. He has learned a lot from his own experience and wants to help others do the same. If it's your first time on a motorcycle or you're looking to improve your skills, Then Candy Outdoor is the right solution for you.

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